A Bloodline of Kings

A Novel

hardcover: ISBN 0-9665871-8-9
retail price: $28.50
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This award-winning historical novel is set in Macedonia between 383 and 356 b.c. The protagonist is Philippos (Philip of Macedon) who achieves security for Macedonia, which his father, King Amuntas, and his brothers failed to do. The family saga is complicated by the mother who was the lover and later the wife of a rival for the kingdom.

Philippos is the father of Alexander the Great. He surpassed his son in his ability to rule the land he conquered, and set the stage for his son's conquests.

A Bloodline of Kings is the Finalist of the 2003 Independent Publishers (IPPY) Book Award in the Historical/Military Fiction category. 496 pages; includes 6 maps, family lineage, and kings list.

In 2007 it was published in Greek by Minoas S.A.under the title
'Philippos of Macedonas'. Please visit www.minoas.gr for more information.

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