Tom Sundell

A Bloodline of Kings was Tom Sundell's first novel. It was subsequently translated, abridged, and published in Greece by Minos SA as Philippos of Macedonas.

Tom had previously designed a game based on Philip's campaign against Thebes and Athens, and was intrigued enough to do further research on Philip. Philip interested him far than his son, Alexander, who overshadows him in popular culture. To him, Philip built a kingdom, while Alexander only managed to destroy an empire and create havoc in his own realm.

Tom found the first half of Philip’s life most interesting.

Since A Bloodline of Kings, Tom have written and published online 20 additional novels, as well as other writings. His novels cross a mix of genre and literary forms. They include: Battle Hymn; Texas Fever; A Mother’s Ambitions; Voyage of the Screw Steamer Penetang; Crossing Georgian Bay; At the Faire; Scratch; Encounters; The Consultant; Lawyers, Guns, and Money; Everyday; Axe; Tapestry; Forge; Massachusetts in Rebellion; Safe Conduit; Ma’at; Tampa Bay; A Viennese Waltz; and Crankright’s Millions.

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