Art Scene, Chicago 2000



Evanston RoundTable, October 25, 2000. Article by Mary Gavin covering interviews with Ivy Sundell, and featured artist, Gay Riseborough.
Daily Herald, November 7, 2000. Article in Suburban Living Section covering interviews with editor, Ivy Sundell, and featured artists: Pamela Hart, and Annette Turow.
Naperville Sun, November 17, 2000. Article by Barbara Greenwald covering interview with Ivy Sundell and two Naperville resident artists: James Krauss and Pamela Hart.
Wheaton Leader, January 11, 2001. Article by Kimberly Wisniewski covering an interview with front cover artist and Wheaton resident, Eleanor Himmelfarb.
Chicago Tribune, January 21, 2001. Book review by Donna Seaman in the 2-page centerfold of the Books Section, including the works of E. Charles Rolwing, Heath Matyjewicz, Carol Luc, Annette Turow, Pamela Callahan, and Chris Peldo.


CityTalk, January 12, 2001. Article by Lisa Stein covering interviews with Ivy Sundell, featured artists: Curt Frankenstein and Dzine, juror Robert Donnelley, and director of Chicago Artists' Coalition, Arlene Rakoncay.


WTMX-FM (101.9) 'Vantage Point' with host Dr. David Unumb whose show is on Sunday mornings. Broadcast date to be announced.

Internet, October 2000. Two-part review of book by Jurek Polanski., February 2001. Two-part review of exhibit at Fine Arts Building Gallery by Jurek Polanski. The exhibit was titled after the book, 'Art Scene, Chicago 2000' and showcased the works of Grace Cole, Andrew Conklin, Kathleen King, Marion Kryczka, Roland Kulla, Helen Oh and Mark Pelnar., May 2001. Two-part review of group exhibit at the Chicago Athenaeum by Jurek Polanski. The exhibit covers most of the artists in the 'Art Scene, Chicago 2000' book.


Chicago Artists' News, July/August 2001. Insightful review of book and project by Amina Cain.

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